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Dithiocarbamates as Selective Ligands for Polarographic Study of Manganese(II) at DME

1TitleTitle of DocumentDithiocarbamates as Selective Ligands for Polarographic Study of Manganese(II) at DME
2CreatorAuthor's name, affiliation, country C. GIRIDHAR, S. KANCHI, T. NIRANJAN and N. VENKATASUBBA NAIDU
Department of Chemistry, S. V. University, Tirupathi-517502, A.P., India
3SubjectDicipline(s) Chemical Science
3SubjectKeywords D.C. polarography, Catalytic hydrogen current technique, Manganese(II), Ammonium 2,6-dimethyl morpholine dithiocarbamate, ADMM-DTC, Ammonium 3-methyl piperidine dithiocarbamate, Differential pulse polarography
4DescriptionAbstract Two new ligands, ammonium 2,6-dimethyl morpholine dithiocarbamate (ADMM-DTC) and ammonium 3-methyl piperdine dithiocarbamate (AMP-DTC) were synthesized in the laboratory. The method was based on chelation of manganese(II) with ADMM-DTC/AMP-DTC in the presence of NH4OH at pH 6.2 and 6.8 to produce catalytic hydrogen currents at -0.72 V and -0.62 V vs. SCE respectively and prior detected by D.C poarography. Optimized polarographic conditions were established by studying effect of pH, supporting electrolyte (NH4Cl), ligand and metal ion concentrations and effect of adverse ions on peak height to improve the sensitivity, selectivity and detection limits of the present method. This technique is successfully applied for the analysis of manganese(II) in different matrices with recoveries ranging from 97-99% and the results obtained were comparable with the differential pulse polarography (DPP).
5PublishersOrganizing agency, location WWW Publications, India
6Contributor Sponsor(s) -
7DateDate (YYYY-MM-DD) -
8TypeStatus & genre Peer-reviewed Article
9FormateFile Formate PDF
10IdentifierUniform Resource Identifier Click Here
10IdentifierDigital Object Identifier
11SourceJournal/conference title; vol., no. (Year)Chemical Science Transactions, Volume  3 , Number  (2), (2014)
12LanuguageEnglish=en en
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15CopyrightCopyright and permissions
Chemical Science Transactions | Chem Sci Trans | CST | Online Chemistry Journal | Open Access
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